Buy a diamond for MATES in Construction.

MATES in Construction is a charity established in 2008 to reduce the high level of suicide among Australian construction workers. It is owned and controlled by the Australian Building and Construction Industry.

The MATES in Construction program is based on the simple idea that “suicide is everyone’s business” and that if the building and construction industry in Australia is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of workers and to reduce suicide then it cannot be left to the mental health professionals, but rather everyone in the industry must play their part.

Mates in construction delivers a number of training programs on site. These programs are aimed at:

  1. Raising awareness about suicide in the workplace
  2. Making it easy to access help
  3. Ensuring that the help offered is practical, professional and appropriate

Hallett Concrete are participating in the MATES in construction training programs and has committed to proactively raising awareness and funding to extend this program across the building and construction industry in South Australia. We are asking for your help to do this. You would be familiar with the distinctive red diamond pattern on Hallett Concrete agitators seen on hundreds of job sites around South Australia. What better way to raise awareness in our industry than to badge up two brand new Hallett Concrete agitator trucks with the MATES in construction logos, slogans and contact information. What better way to demonstrate your affiliation with this worthy program than to attach your own logo and colours to these trucks.

Each Hallett Concrete truck has 8 diamonds on the agitator barrel. For a 100% tax deductible direct charity contribution of $1500 you get the following:

  • Put your company logo on a diamond in your company colours (Hallett Concrete will meet the costs of and facilitate the artwork design of your diamond).
  • Free advertising for a minimum period of 2 years. These new trucks will be the pride of the fleet and assigned to high profile job sites around Adelaide.
  • Acknowledgement of support on Hallett Concrete website and in any industry award programs and promotion through all its social media channels. • A site visit to your premises by the badged up truck to enable a photography opportunity.
  • MATES in Construction can tailor a free training program to suit your business.

Help out a mate and donate! It’s easy, simply click the link to become a sponsor: , advise us of your sponsorship and we’ll get your logo printed on one of our new trucks.

From the Hallett Concrete Team, thankyou for your support.