Pike Constructions

Pike Constructions

Mates in Construction delivers a number of training programs on site. These programs are aimed at: raising awareness about suicide in the workplace, making it easy to access help and ensuring that the help offered is practical, professional and appropriate. Hallett Concrete have participated in the MATES in construction training programs and are committed to proactively raising awareness and funding to extend this program across the building and construction industry in South Australia. Hallett Concrete would like to thank Pike Constructions, a recognised South Australian company, servicing both the commercial and industrial sectors of the construction industry, for being a part of this sponsorship. By buying a diamond on the new Hallett Concrete tri-axle agitator, Pike Constructions have ensured more businesses can take part in the MIC training programs and reduce the rate of suicide in the construction industry.

If you would like to learn more about MATES in Construction or participate in MIC training programs visit


Pike Constructions